Saturday, August 24, 2013

Review: Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner + Giveaway


Eyeliners. Since my first $12 purchase of a Sephora Liquid Liner in 2008, I've been relying on it since. In either two forms it came in, liquid or gel. But it's only been over a year and a half since I incorporated the winged liner as my every day look, and it's only been a few months since I've become acquainted with gel eyeliners. Not such a good habit, but, I rely on a swipe of this across each eyelid a day.

 It makes a difference.

I received one of the holy grail of all gel liners (since the beginning of time) from the lovely Ashley of Mizspa.  Mizspa is an online beauty shopping site which carries many big named brands, SKII, Clarins and Lancome to name a few, do check out their website, here

It was with great pleasure to affiliate with them, having followed their instagram for a while, I especially appreciate the love and effort they put into packaging their goods. Having a great love for eyeliners, I chose the Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner set to review and share!


The Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner is perfect! Smooth and rich pigmentation which makes application easy. It dries matte and is budge-proof staying throughout the day, I haven't found any fault.

A gel liner as great as this is a must in any make-up stash. And thanks to Mizspa, I will be holding an international giveaway of this fantastic Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner Set! 

I will also be holding this giveaway from Instagram as well as on this post (on Instagram it will be mandatory entries to repost, follow on Instagram and 'like' the Mizspa Facebook page)!

To enter this giveaway (+1):
1. You must be a GFC or Bloglovin' follower of this page
2. 'Like' Mizspa on Facebook!

Additional entries:
3. Follow Mizspa on Twitter (+1)
4. Follow me on Twitter (+1)
5. Tweet about the giveaway!
"A giveaway for a set of Bobbi Brown's amazing gel liners over at @Arsyparsy! Enter to win:" (+1)
5. 'Like' Arsyparsy on Facebook (+1)
6. Share my giveaway post on Facebook (+1)

Comment below with:
1. GFC/Bloglovin' name:
2.  Facebook name and pages liked:
3. Twitter handle:
4. Tweet link:
5. Share link:
6. And, tell me of your experience with eyeliners! Do you use it as often as I do? What is your go-to brand at the moment?

(Psst - You can also re-post on Instagram for an extra entry ☺! Check out @Alice_Please on Instagram for the post!)

Open internationally - giveaway will close on 14th September.
(I will need a few days to check with Mizspa for Facebook names ;))
 Find out more about this fantastic Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner after the jump!

 It was a good day

 Millenium was sporting this ribbon for the succeeding weeks :p

 It's all so nicely packaged. Including a BB Gel Eyeliner in Black Ink and Sepia Ink and, a brush!

My first swipe of the virgin jar of Gel

Black Ink & Sepia Ink

 I wouldn't recommend using the brush, unless you have a guide to use - it's really not suited for applying angled liquid liner, here, I'm using the brush - pretty tricky to get a pointed end!

Round two with a different brush, this time I used an angled eyebrow brush by Royal & Langnickel - it works! Also seeing how insignificant my eyes look without gel liner -


Oh, how I love eyeliner!

I found this gel eyeliner to be very pigmented and creamy. It was very easy to work with as it was thin and smooth upon application. It dries matte and is budge-proof throughout the day. It dries in the right amount of time making it perfect!

Don't forget to visit Mizspa and take a browse at their lovely range of goodies! 

Thanks for entering and good luck!

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