Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Got Mail: Pinky Paradise & FOTD: Baby Pink/ Grey Smokey Eye

Hey guys! 
Well I figured out what Eyeshadow I'm going to do for formal :)
Hehehe, *below!



120 Manly E/S palette
NYX Tea Rose
Ultra Liner in Slate


I bought 3 circle lenses off Pinky Paradise 2 and a half weeks ago and it arrived last week :D
I bought them specifically for formal so I can choose what color to wear, but now that I think about it I don't want to look artificial :( So I bought clear lenses from Clearly Contacts, I paid for express shipping and it came in 2 days!!!! 

Clearly Contacts Purchase: 
It came with a free contact lens case, sunglasses and a giftcard! Oh and stickers to label them ahha
I bought Acuvue Advance Daily Wear for $29.95 a box, I had to buy two since my eyes have different degrees of course :)

Pinky Paradise Purchase: 

Came with a little piggy for each lens bought!

Max Pure Pink
--> here

Seeshell Cosmo Violet
--> here

Geo Tri Color Grey
--> here

I'll try them out later, I haven't bought solution yet LOL :(


xo, arsyparsy


  1. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjp21D5bfHSFLZjiLodckc5dwOgfJXQoDqN_EJusS2l9a8dPzrh_weFZzhXz5ddyik6PxLlM5vUKJqIyGZKw11mh-7Kk-pNw-sPDFYVjh59oRSmbpMSUOZcMGNTEzgz5i4/s45-c/

    nice fotd~ and i love the contacts! hope to see some reviews :)

  2. 1119817_10152103227258066_1479453982_o

    ooh try on the pink ones
    but i do love the tricolour grey ! its my favourite :)

  3. me%2B%283%29

    Aww how cute. I think you should go for a nude or frosty pink lipstick if you want to be more subtle ^^

  4. HCPNY1

    Gorgeous! They make you eyes pop! Definately will go well with your new contacts!!

  5. photo

    Hehe aw thank you girls!
    Tash: Yeah, I'm planning on using a nude instead since my dress isn't all that vibrant either so it'd look od :P haha

  6. blogger_logo_round_35

    Woo, this makeup is great for night out!

    and those little piggies are so cute XDD Please do the reviews of the color contact lens @V@!!

  7. blogger_logo_round_35

    love your eyeshadow, lol and i hope at cherry cuture as well. they got some great NYX stuff for cheap! I'm a new follower :D

  8. blogger_logo_round_35

    Wow Nice post, your blog post is amazing !

    I accidentally drop by your blog uninvited and found your interesting blog . The layout of your blog and information is wonderful.

    I really enjoy browsing your blog.

    Your blog post is mostly about Fashion and beauty stuff.

    If you need additional beauty ideas that enhance your eyes, making them brilliantly bright and beautiful, you may want to check out

    www.contactlensxchange.com for more exciting brand colored circle lenses.


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