Sunday, November 4, 2012

Swatches + Review: Rimmel's Lasting Finish Nail Polish in Apricot Punch, Lovely Lilac and Misty Jade

I purchased these polishes a few months back when Big W was having this massive sale... And I was able to pick up these babies for about $2 each!

Rimmel's Lasting Finish Nail Polishes...
 L>R: Apricot Punch, Lovely Lilac and Misty Jade

 Sweetest colours!

The brush.. way too small

Swatches of the bunch:
 L>R: Apricot Punch, Lovely Lilac and Misty Jade

I chipped away the middle and ring finger. This is after 7 days of wear. It would have lasted a lot longer if I didn't get sick of the shade.

Why I love it...
*Gorgeous shades
*Lasts a week!

*Takes a bit longer to dry
*Stubby nail polish brush

My verdict:
This nail polish is fantastic! Lasts incredibly long, it just takes double the time to dry.... I've never came across any nail polish with a formula such as this.


  1. Hahaha love the tiny microbrush! I think I have one of these in some shade of red that I've yet to use :/

  2. Lovely Lilac looks super pretty!
    And you're lucky for getting them super cheap ^_^

    1. You can get them at Big W for cheap at the randomest times! They have so many sales! You should check it out each time you have the chance :)

  3. Apricot Punch looks lovely. The brush does look really small. I like a wide brush & quite long. But the colours look fab

    1. Right! Me too - Some of OPI's and Sally Hansens are ideal for me!


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